A plan that would have merged Cannon County into a new judicial district failed before the state House Friday, April 19.
The proposal would have removed Cannon from Rutherford County's 16th judicial district and moved it into the 14th district with Coffee, Warren and Van Buren counties.
Previously, only Coffee County was included in that district.
The plan, authored by Senate Speaker Ron Ramsey was approved Tuesday (April 16) by a 27-4 vote by the state Senate, but failed to pass Tennessee’s House of Representatives by a wide-margin of 66-28 on Friday.
That two-thirds vote by the state House kills the bill for this year and prevents the measure from reappearing next year.
Friday was to have been the last session of the Tennessee General Assembly for this session.
Rep. Mark Pody voted “no” against the redist-ricting.
Sen. Mae Beavers voted "yes" on the measure during the Senate session.