The Law Enforcement Committee for Cannon County met behind the jail in the educational trailer with Sheriff Billy Nichols. Those members present were Mark Barker, Grady George Jr., Stan Hollandsworth, Bob Stoetzel and Dr. Leon Reuhland. The committee was presented two budgets, one as it stood without a raise and the other with a 3% overall rise for the sheriff’s and jail employees.
Sheriff Nichols gave the report to the committee which showed an increase in the overall Sheriff’s department budget of $38,059.00 and an increase for the jail in the amount of $7,500.00 for a total of $45,559.00; this is the budget that does not include the 3% percent across the board raise for the employees. This budget also includes a jump in the line item 54110-162, Clerical Personnel of $11,559.00. Some other line item entries are provided by the courthouse personnel such as, employee insurance, with an increase of $5,000.00. Social Security and Medicare payments remained the same and State Retirement, which is recommended by the state at a certain amount, this line item was raised by $12,500.00. Most other items are actual payments increases of gasoline and materials.
The budget that has the 3% percent raise has a jump of $80,567.00 total sum for the Sheriff’s Department and an end budget of $1,022,918.00. For the jail the increase with the 3% raise would be $17,399.00 with a total budget of $602,072.00. Together the jail and the sheriff department have an increase of $97,966.00. This brings the overall sum to operate both departments to $1,624,990.00.
Member Grady George Jr. made the motion to present the budget (both) as approved by the Law Enforcement Committee to the County Budget Committee which consists of Bill Jennings, Greg Mitchell and Mark Barker. Chairman of the Law Enforcement Committee Mark Barker called for a vote on whether to approve the budget, and to send both budgets as is to the County Budget Committee. All voted “aye” with one dissenter, member Bob Stoetzel. The meeting lasted one hour. The budget for Sheriff Billy Nichols was sent to the County Executive, Mike Gannon to be presented to the budget process.