To the Editor:
It's once again TAX time. Isn't it wonderful that our elected officials once again voted to raise our land taxes, don't get me wrong, it wasn't all of them just enough to get them raised. Some of them are farmers themselves, but in my community the farmers can't understand why they would want to do this. My taxes went up about $500. My neighbor said they quit counting after $1,000.
I think this is awful. Wonder how many elderly people won't be able to pay. You should be ashamed of yourselves. You're supposed to be for the people, but we all know that's not true. Our elected officials can never get enough money. I want to know where the revenue from liquor sales and the moonshine still and beer sales is going for.
I did see in the paper where most of these people have someone running against them. My advise to the taxpayers is when you go to the polls think hard about who you're voting for. We need people in them who are voting for the people. If you have ever been to a county commission meeting you would see what I mean. I no longer have respect or trust our elected officials. You may take the people now, but you will pay in the ever-after. God knows what you're doing and that it isn't right. I know sometimes things need to be different, but not every time you turn around more money.
Where does it stop? Times are hard and money hard to come by for some people. Warren County gives their senior citizens discounts on their taxes if they're disabled, Cannon County does nothing for theirs.
I just want to know, where does it stop? I hope at the pools you make the right decision, if not, we all have to live with it.
Jan Powell