To the Editor,
Thanks to the readers of the Cannon Courier! During the County Commissioner meeting on 6-10-2014 the commissioners voted and passed to the 911 Board for recommendation of changing Powell Road to Rambo Road. Which they themselves must on it by having a motion and a second on changing the road name themselves first.
If they would check the Powell Road was once named Thomas Road. I feel deeply that it is a life-threatening situation to have three Powell Roads all within a one-minute radius of one another. A lady, Mrs. Ellan Powell was burned to death as Ambulance Service went down Powell Road trying to find Odell Powell.
I hope they keep in mind that the same could happen again.
The map dated 2012 shows the Powell Road was changed to Rambo Road. As I keep hearing that the 2012 map is not the map although it is listed as such.
Nathan Milliken