The show at the Arts Center of Cannon County delves into the backstage and personal life of two brothers, Ralph and Carter Stanley who loved to play the old-time Appalachian music they grew up listening to.
From their humble beginnings on a church pew, the brothers were determined to remain true to their musical roots even while they struggled to bring old-time music to a rock and roll world. Directed by Scarlett Turney, this production features Luke Munday of the band “Green on the Vyne” as Ralph Stanley and old-time musician extraordinaire Mike Armistead, who honed his musical skills with the likes of Bashful Brother Oswald of the Smoky Mountain Boys and the Tennessee Mafia Jug Band as Carter Stanley.
Man of Constant Sorrow is sponsored by Franklin’s Printworks and is part of the 2009 Playhouse Season sponsored in part by The Old Feed Store Antique Mall.
Shows will be presented Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays from August 14th through 29th. Performances start at 7:30PM on Fridays and Saturdays, with 2:00PM matinees on Sundays. Ticket prices are $12 for adults, and $10 for seniors, students or groups and may be purchased by calling the Arts Center box office at 615-563-(ARTS) 2787 or 1-800-235-9073.
Tickets may also be purchased online at The Arts Center Cafe is now open before all performances, so be sure and call in advance for our discounted dinner/show packages.