The Short Mountain School 7th grade won the behavior award for the 3rd six weeks and will receive a pizza party. Short Mountain School rewards the students with chain links each time the entire class is caught being good. Mary McMurry is the 7th grade teacher with 22 students in the class.
Top row left to right--Heather Hill, Hailey Norrod, Brittany Nichols, Kayla Waycaster, Bobby Murphy, Dakota Grandstaff. 3rd row left to right--Pauline Ericson, Stephanie Bates, Mary McMurry(teacher), Austin Lawson, Ben Ware. 2nd row left to right--Dakota Gaskill, Molly Williams, Lauren Simmons, Whitney Murphy, Shawnna Vanatta, Megan Braswell Bottom row left to right--Peyton Medlin, Chelsea Bordes, Angela Acuna, Jamie Ferrell (not pictured Destiny Bass and Raven Cagle)