Auburn Elementary Beta Club 8th grader Marshall McReynolds will be serving as the National Reporter for the Beta Club during the 2011-2012 school year.
McReynolds won state office at the Beta Convention in November and was successful in winning at the national level. He will be a freshman at Cannon County High School in the fall.
The club also placed 5th in the Skit competition.
The Auburn Beta Club expresses thanks to Dr. Daryl Deason for all his work on the Skit and McReynold's speeches. We also thank Edith and Kayla McReynolds for their hard work on the props for the Skit.
We would not be successful without the help of caring people in our county. The other schools in the county were vital in our win through their help in campaigning, and we appreciate everyone for their efforts.
Finally, we want to thank the principal, students, teachers and parents of Auburn School who always encourage and support our efforts.
Have fun Marshall, we are proud of you!