The Monday Night Book Club is going strong at the library. This book club is for the 18+ age group and they read a variety of genres. For the next meeting on Monday, June 5, they have chosen the Pulitzer Prize winning novel: The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara.
This classic novel of the Civil War covers "the four most bloody and courageous days of our nation's history, two armies fought for two conflicting dreams. One dreamed of freedom, the other of a way of life. Far more than rifles and bullets were carried into battle. There were memories. There were promises. There was love. And far more than men fell on those Pennsylvania fields. Bright futures, untested innocence, and pristine beauty were also the casualties of war." Michael Shaara brings the battle to life and makes the reader feel as if he were there with Generals Lee and Longstreet at Gettysburg.
Books are available at the Circulation Desk of Adams Memorial Library. If you wish to read the book and join the group for discussion, then please check out a book. You may come every month or only read the books of interest to you. But it's a fun group and one visit may make you a member for life. Come meet some new people and make good friends. Everyone is welcome. Next meeting, Monday, June 5, 2017, 6:30 pm. Reading The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara.