Cannon County Commission Meets Tonight at 5:30 in the courtroom of the Cannon County Courthouse. Items on the agenda include.
Old Business:
a. Beer Board Committee appointment
b. Cannon County / City of Woodbury Interlocal Agreement (Attorney Fagan)
c. Planning Commission appointment
Budget Amendments / Finance Dept. updates
a. County General
Approve Cindy Henry to the HR Policy & Procedure Committee
Video from Jail to Courtroom (Commissioner Reed)
CTAS/TEMA, Ben Rodgers & Kevin Laurey on the Requirements of EMS/EMA/911 (Executive Bush)
Cannon County Ambulance Department Discussion/Vote
a. Ambulance Dept. Write Offs for 2020? (Commissioner Floyd)
b. TN Risk Management Insurance Rates due to lawsuit? (Commissioner Floyd)
c. How does insurance company determine Sexual Harassment Culture? (Commissioner Floyd)