This is News from the Mountain for the week of June 3. Due to a mail delivery issue, it was unable to run last week.
Dragging out the warm jacket once again as here it is Thursday morning May 21st, and I'm wondering is there a 'honeysuckle winter' as the weather is so coll today in the low 50's and there are honeysuckles blooming simply everywhere you look? Can't mistake that fragrance can you?
The Memorial Day weekend promises to warm us all back up as it will get back into the eighties. Celebrations of every kind will be going on to honor all that have served in the armed forces to keep this country free. So many gallant men and women gave their all so we could have this f4reedom so we should do our patriotic duty in honoring them on this Memorial Day.
Sister Fay and I ate at Glenda's (DeKalb Market) on Friday. That is catfish day with all the fixins and simply great food to enjoy. Say Spider, Skeeter and Ella there - Debby on vacation. The girls doing just fine. Get to talk with Aaron Tippin while I was there He said Thea and the boys were doing well. It, of course, didn't take long for the conversation to be about Aubrey. Aubrey and Aaron were good friends and shared some funny times together. Aaron, like so many, still missing Aubrey as there could never be another one like him. How fortunate and blessed we have been to have had him for so many years and yet I know the best for Aubrey and me is to come later, when my journey here, too, ends. Will be serving the Lord until them and always asking Him to keep His hand upon me each and everyday to keep me in His care.
Doing outside work beginning of the week and running into all sorts of insects and simply don't understand how they can be flourishing so nicely after the extreme coldness of the winter we had. Why they didn't freeze out is a mystery to me. I didn't think I was going to make it even with the gas heat and I was on the inside. Guess they are tougher than we thought and know how to survive like the "little green men". Supposedly the little aliens have been here for a long time so they know how to take care of themselves and can endure anything that Mother Nature may throw at them. I should be so lucky as the older I get the more winter hurts me.
Finally getting some rain now and everything is greening back up. The air I've noticed is so much fresher and this surely has helped lower the pollen count as so many have been suffering with the nasal congestion problems caused by it.
Have a chipmunk around here - not by choice - as I found out the other morning when trying to clean out some debris around the back of the house. Don't know who was surprised the most - all I know is that he took off fast in the other direction. A cute little fellas he is and as long as he doesn't do any damage to the premises, we will get along just fine I imagine.
Didn't realize there were so many people who had horses until this past weekend as the mountain was swarming with horses and riders and the pickups with the horse trailers attached it seemed everywhere. Always have loved horses but never owned one. That is okay as it was never at the top of my priority list to obtain one. They are truly beautiful animals to enjoy if only looking at them grazing in someone's pasture. Speaking of horses, thinking about the Preakness the third leg of the Triple Crown in horse racing coming up this weekend. American Pharaoh the favorite as he has won the other two races the Kentucky Derby and the Belmont Stakes. I will be pulling for him to succeed in his quest for the win and that elusive Triple Crown that has eluded so many.
Try your best to be in the Lord's house this Sunday to praise and worship Him and enjoy the fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. The happiest moment of your lift will be when you accept Him as your personal Savior. People we need to uplift in prayer: Trena Curtis, Kathy Martin, Denise Stanton, Edith Miller, Chloe Evelyn Bogle and Carlon and Mai Nell Melton.
If you have any news for the column, just give ma a call at (615) 563-4429. Have a great day!
If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and I receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.