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Girl Scouts Learn 'Manners Do Matter'

May 17, 2011 at 04:32 pm by admin

Daisy Troop 253 participated in the Manners Do Matter program presented by the Friends and Neighbors FCE Club in Woodbury. Pictured here is Daisy Tate introducing herself  to her friend Abigail Maier under the direction of Kitty Bush. Emma Young and Daisy Taylor watch and wait for their turn to practice.

The Friends and Neighbors Family and Community Education Club in Woodbury provided the “Manners Do Matter” Program for Girl Scout Service Unit 158.

Two troops participated in the evening event held at the Cannon County Senior Citizens Building Community Room.

From Daisy Troop 253: Emma Young, Emma Richardson, Emily McCullough, Abigail Mair, Daisy Taylor, Maggie Tate, and Cadee Davis with Brownie sister Aidan Davis.

From Brownie Troop 331: Kaitlyn Lamb, Abbie Hibdon, Taylor Bragg, Katlyn Stanny, and Julie Bush with tagalong sister Josie Bush.

Each Girl Scout participant was given a folder to keep her handouts from each station.  Station topics included making polite introductions, good table manners, table setting, telephone manners and party etiquette.

The station on polite greetings and introductions was led by Katherine Bush who explained how important it is to give a good first impression.  We want to be remembered as friendly, confident, outgoing, kind and sincere; not as shy, self-conscious, feeling inferior, or embarrassed.  We always should stand, smile, look at the person, shake hands, and say, “How do you do?”  

We should try to make the best impression we can on the telephone as well.  Shelia Long and Lynne Parades led this session using several scenarios to make their point about speaking clearly, never shouting, say Hello, use courtesy words such as please and thank you, and apologize then you get a wrong number.

Joy Pope and Connie Rigsby had a fun, party station about being a good hostess and a good guest.  One topic discussed was R.S.V.P. as it represents the first letter of French words (Respondez S’il Vous Plaft) which translates ‘respond if you please’ which means “respond to this invitation.”  If the invitations say, “Regrets Only.” You need only reply if you cannot attend.  Being grateful for each gift received and showing appreciation to your guests for attending were a couple of the many suggestions and tips from this station.

Merrile Byars shared her flair for table setting and decorating with the troops having three table settings to discuss the proper way to set the table.  Of course the menu will determine what is needed, whether it is informal or formal.

The girls also used their own dishes to show they had learned how to set an informal table setting. Tips like: sit up straight, no chair rocking, napkin goes in your lap and wait for the hostess to lift her fork before you begin to eat, were shared at the sitting at the table station led by Helon Bush and Jeanie Barrett.  

At the conclusion the girl were awarded with their earned Manners Try It badge and a small reception of cookies and punch provided by FCE Club members, Dawn Wynn, Nancy Puckett Bell, and Jacque Head.  Thank you to all of the FCE Club volunteers their time to make this event successful.


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