USDA's Farm Service Agency (FSA) reminds producers of commercial
fruits and vegetables they must file application for Noninsured Crop Assistance
Disaster (NAP) Program coverage by the March 15, 2021 final sales closing date for the
following crops:
green beans sweet corn tomatoes potatoes okra squash peas
pumpkins peppers watermelons cucumbers cantaloupes hemp
NAP provides catastrophic level (CAT) coverage based on the amount of loss that
exceeds 50 percent of expected production at 55 percent of the average market price for
the crop. The 2018 Farm Bill authorizes additional coverage levels ranging from 50 to 65
percent of production, in 5 percent increments, at 100 percent of the average market price.
Additional coverage must be elected by a producer by the application closing date.
Producers who elect additional coverage must pay a premium in addition to the service
fee. Crops intended for grazing are not eligible for additional coverage.
Eligible producers must apply for coverage using form CCC-471, "Application for
Coverage," and pay the applicable service fee at the FSA office. The application and
service fee must be filed by the application closing date. For all coverage levels, the NAP
service fee is the lesser of $325 per crop or $825 per producer per administrative county,
not to exceed a total of $1,950. Producers can elect increases coverage for additional
Beginning, limited resource, socially disadvantaged and qualifying veterans are eligible
for a waiver of the service fee and a 50 percent premium reduction when they file form
CCC-860. A "beginning farmer" is defined as a person who has not operated a farm for
more than 10 years, and materially and substantially participates in the operation. For
2021, in DeKalb and Cannon counties, a "limited resource farmer" is defined as having
gross farm sales less than or equal to $180,300 per year in each of the tax years 2018 and
2019 and less than $29,106 (Cannon Co.) or $26,614 (DeKalb Co.) in total household
adjusted gross income each tax year 2018 and 2019. A "socially disadvantaged farmer" is
defined as a farmer who is a member of groups such as: American Indians, Alaskan
Natives, Asians, Asian Americans, Blacks, African Americans, Native Hawaiians, Pacific
Islanders, Hispanics, and Women. A "veteran farmer" is defined as a farmer who has
served in the Armed Forces and has operated a farm for less than 10 years, or first
obtained status as a veteran during the most recent 10-year period.
For additional program details, contact the DeKalb/Cannon County Farm Service Agency,
located at 647 Bright Hill Rd., or phone the office at 597-8225, extension 2.