The Auburntown City Council met Tuesday, February 02, 2010 for their regular monthly meeting. The Mayor and all councilmen were present for the meeting except Rita Davis, Treasurer and Winfred Gaither, City Recorder.
In the absence of Councilman Gaither, Ruby Jo Davenport acted as City Recorder. Mayor, Roger Turney presented the minutes of the December 2009, Council meeting. The minutes of that meeting were approved as presented.
The Mayor distributed the financial report for the council’s consideration in the absence of Councilperson Davis. Following review the report was approved without dissent.
The contractor to lay utility water lines up Hurricane Creek have moved their equipment from Bryson Hollow Rd. and should now be able to concentrate their efforts on Hurricane Creek.
Chris Blackburn, Fire Chief, expressed his appreciation to the Council for their speedy replacements of the two heaters in the Fire Hall.
Tina Fletcher, Councilperson, reported that she had added two more vendors for Red Apple Day since the last meeting. Tina has also added Facebook as a tool to help her with this project.
Chief Blackburn reported to the Council on the condition of the Volunteer Fire Department as it relates to the City. He reported that the Fire Department also has a Facebook account.
Colleene Flavin and Alyssa Roberson, two students from Ms. Curtis CCHS Govt. Class, attended and monitored the proceedings of this session.
The meeting began at 6:00 P.M. and ended at 6:15 P.M.
Ruby Jo Davenport, Acting Recorder