WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman John Rose (TN-6) returned to Washington on Thursday to object to Speaker Nancy Pelosi's attempt to pass $19.1 billion of new spending in a virtually empty House Chamber.
"Today, I objected to passing a spending request of over $19 billion without Members of Congress present in Washington," said Rose. "It is of dire concern to me, as it should be to each Member of Congress, that Speaker Pelosi is attempting to push through a $19.1 billion spending bill without any debate in Congress. I was elected to thoughtfully represent my constituents, and I cannot do that when legislation is taken up after the Speaker recesses the House. I will not stand idly by while Speaker Pelosi plays the same old, swampy, political games at the American people's expense."
Congressman Rose left today's schedule of district visits to return to Washington, D.C. to address the people's business, which is the work each Member of Congress was elected to do. Speaker Pelosi is not in Washington, D.C. today, and scheduled the spending bill for passage after sending Members home. Rose objected to the unanimous consent request for passage, which would allow the nearly $20 billion spending bill to pass the House without Members present for consideration.
Congressman John Rose represents Tennessee's Sixth Congressional District and resides in Cookeville with his wife, Chelsea, and their son, Guy. The Sixth District includes Cannon, Clay, Coffee, Cumberland, DeKalb, Fentress, Jackson, Macon, Overton, Pickett, Putnam, Robertson, Smith, Sumner, Trousdale, White, and Wilson counties as well as portions of Cheatham and Van Buren counties.