Congratulations to Cannon County 4-H member, Samantha Swoape for competing at the Tennessee 4-H Outdoor Meat Cookery Contest. 4-H'ers in grades 7-12 can participate in this fun, practical contest that not only teaches them how to grill, but how to do it safely.
Each contestant must start his or her own charcoal grill, prepare the meat, and cook it to perfection.
On a four person team, each member is responsible for grilling a different species of meat: beef, poultry, lamb, and pork. They are judged throughout the cooking process to make sure they start their fires properly, prepare the meat safely, and cook it to the correct temperature. Finally, the meat is judged on taste, texture, appearance, and originality of recipe.
Although her team placed 4th at the Central Region 4-H Outdoor Meat Cookery contest and only the top 3 teams advance, Samantha Swoape was awarded 1st high individual for grilling poultry. With over 160 participants this year from around 20 counties, Samantha was honored to receive 1st place. As regional 1st high individual, Samantha was invited to compete at the Tennessee 4-H Outdoor Meat Cookery contest held on October 19th at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville.
This was a wonderful opportunity to showcase Cannon County 4-H. Congratulations to Samantha Swoape for winning 5th high individual at the state level and representing Cannon County so well! If you are interested in participating in this contest next year, or any other activities, please contact the 4-H office at 615-563-2554.
4-H is the Youth Development program for University of Tennessee. 4-H teaches leadership, citizenship, and life skills to more than 302,000 youth in grades 4-12. UT Extension provides equal opportunities in programs and employment through the cooperation of county, state, and federal governments.