Final preparations are underway for the on-site assessment of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation by representatives of the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA). The assessment is scheduled for July 31 - August 3, 2023. The CALEA Assessor is due to arrive in Nashville on Sunday, July 30th, and will begin the assessment process for re-accreditation.
The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation first attained accredited status from CALEA in 1994 after many hours of hard work and effort were placed into developing policies and procedures that would comply with the standards set forth by CALEA. The TBI was proud to be only the third state criminal investigative agency to be accredited by CALEA. The TBI was re-accredited in 1997, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2015, and 2019 by CALEA.
Four years have passed since the last re-accreditation, and it is now time for the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation to welcome CALEA back to inspect records, interview personnel, and solicit remarks from the community to assure that the TBI has kept in compliance with the changes in law and CALEA standards.
CALEA accreditation means that an agency has met the highest law enforcement standards. This extremely high quality of assessment assures fairness within the TBI and throughout the entire State of Tennessee. The accredited status has also helped the TBI in its recruitment of highly skilled agents and overall credibility throughout the state.
The assessor will review written materials, interview individuals, and visit offices where compliance can be witnessed. The assessor is David Mundy, who retired in 2007 as a major with the North Carolina State Highway Patrol, after serving as a law enforcement officer for more than 30 years.
Members of the public who wish to leave comments regarding TBI's compliance with CALEA standards, engagement in the service community, delivery of public safety service, and overall candidate for accredited status can do so by accessing this site:
For more information, contact the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation Accreditation Manager, Cheryl Cain, at (615) 744-4032.