You can submit items for The Blast by email at
Farmers Market
Saturdays 7 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Farmers Market open every Saturday 7 a.m. until 12 noon, located at the Farmers Market Pavilion in the parking area of The Arts Center on John Bragg Hwy. Contact Bruce Steelman at 615-563-2554 for information.
Alcoholics Anonymous
If you drink alot that's your business. If you want to stop that's ours.
Call 615-653-7914.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery from hurts, habits and hang-ups meets every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church.
Flags for Sale
The American Legion Post 279 in Woodbury is selling flags and
accessories. The monies raised from the sale of these flags goes 100% back to our Community, our Youth and our Veterans, in Cannon County. This is an on-going project. We have available an assortment of all sizes and all types of flags - United States Flags, State Flags, Military Service Flags; and all sizes of flag poles.
The United States Flag 3'x 5' nylon is $25 (best price
anywhere). This is our most popular flag. The United States Flag 4"x 6" is .50 each or $5 a dozen for special occasions. The military services/branches flags are $30 each. For that special display. We can get you any State Flag, different size flags and different
size flag poles, (small house flag poles to large business flag poles.) WE ALSO HAVE INDOOR FLAG SETS. FLAGS FOR ALL OCASSIONS. If you need to make a special order, call and we have a catalogue available to make your selections.
CHARLIE HARRELL 615-542-1289, OR JIM STONE 615-563-6111, OR BRENT BUSH
615-563-2691, OR BRITT KNOX 615-904-5644, OR PENNY DANIELS 615-563-6729.
We will be glad to take your order, deliver your order, and all with a
smile and a big thank you, for Supporting the American Legion Post 279,
Music Night on Thursdays
The Pocahontas Community Center, located near Ivy Bluff, will be having a music night every Thursday at 5 p.m. We welcome all musicians who would like to come and play with our group, beginners or pros. If you like to sing our band will play your song and let you sing along! Spectators and dancers are welcome. For more info call Ray, 615-765-7835
A Merchants Meeting to discuss Cannon Country Christmas held on Friday & Saturday November 18th & 19th is scheduled for Tuesday October 18th at 6 p.m. at the Courthouse. All Merchants wishing to be a part of this event are urged to attend, so everyone will know what is involved and the cost. New idea's are welcome and remember this is one of the busiest days of the year for the Merchants. Contact 615-563-2222 or 615-563-2421 for further information.
The Odd Couple
Through October 15
Arts Center of Cannon County
Neil Simon's hilarious play centers on a pair of desperately mismatched roommates--one sloppy and one neat--who are arguably the most memorable pair of characters that the successful playwright has ever written. It debuted on Broadway in 1965 and spawned an extremely successful 1968 movie and sitcom that ran for five seasons.
Performances run September 30, October 1, 7, 8, 14 & 15 at 7:30 p.m.
and October 9 & 16 at 2 p.m.
Reservations open
for Fall Color Boat Cruise
Reservations are open for the 14th Annual Fall Color Boat Cruise on Center Hill Lake by the Friends of Edgar Evins State Park. The cost is $15 per person and must be over 3 years of age. On-line reservations may be made at the state's Tennessee Vacation website beginning October 1st. The direct link is or you may go to and search by date and event. Once on the boat ride page just click on the yellow button that says "purchase tickets". If you need help please call Fount Bertram, President of Friends of Edgar Evins State Park, at (615) 765-5357.
Revival Auburn Baptist
October 9-14
Paul Fries, newly elected Director of Missions for the Salem Baptist Association, Liberty, will be the guest speaker for Revival Services being held at Auburn Baptist Church, 115 West Main Street, Auburntown on October 9-14. Sunday am Worship begins at 10:30 am, Sunday Evening Worship begins at 6:30pm. All services during the week will begin at 7pm.
Bird Song Studio
Wednesday, October 12
Josh Wanamaker & Griffin Winton, McMinnville Songwriters
Doors at 7, Show at 7:30pm - $10 at the Door
Chamber of Commerce Fall Mixer
Thursday, October 13
The Chamber of Commerce Fall Mixer will be held at the Arts Center from 6 to 8 p.m. All chamber members and their guests are invited. Contact 615-563-2222 for info.
Commodity Distribution
Thursday, October 13
The Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency (UCHRA) will hold a commodities distribution for Cannon County, Thursday, October 13, 2016 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at the Cannon County Community Center located at the Fairgrounds.
Everyone must present a valid UCHRA commodity card in order to receive commodities. To sign up or reprint lost commodities cards contact your local UCHRA office. The Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency does not discriminate on the basis of age, race, sex, color, national origin, religion, or disability in admission to, access to, or operations of its programs, services or activities.
Cannon County Commission Meeting
Saturday, October 15 @ 10 a.m. - noon
At the Cannon County Courthouse.
Liberty Dance
Saturday, October 15 from 7 to 10 p.m.
Featuring 231 South. Come enjoy the music and dance. Call 615-563-2792 or 615-464-8110 for more information.
Gilley Hill Cemetery Fund Raiser
Saturday, October 15
On October 15 from 6 to 9 p.m. will be a singing and auction of cake and pies at the Gilley Himm Cemetery Church Building. The event is open to everyone. If you have questions contact either Terry Burks at 615-849-6297, Wilma Spry at 615-765-5429 or Bettye Harris at 615-765-7241.
Fall Revival October 16-29
Victory in Jesus Church at Living Springs
Located at 7804 Hollow Springs Road in Bradyville, the Fall Revival will feature Bro. Darell Cantrell at 7 p.m. October 16, 17, 18 and 19. Call 931-273-8015 for more information. Bro. Sidney Parham.
PARQ to meet
Thursday, October 20
PARQ (Preserve our Area's Rural Qualities) has scheduled the quarterly meeting for Thursday October 20, 2016 at 6:00 P.M. Location of the meeting is 1860 Readyville Street, Readyville TN 37149. Please call any of the phone numbers or check our website ( as the date approaches for any changes or weather challenges! Come and hear what is going on in your community or inform us of one of your interests or concerns! If you are would like to attend, please call to confirm time, place. 563-2200, 563-8088 or 409-6009. More information about PARQ and upcoming meetings can be found at
For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Developments District toll free at 1-877-275-8233.
A support group meeting will be held for relatives that are caring for relative children. This meeting will be held at the Adams Memorial Library, Woodbury, TN/ Monday, October 17, 2016, 1:00-2:00 pm.
For housing assistance while caring for minor child, contact Myra Walker at 931-432-4111.
Senior Center Music Night
Friday, October 21
231 South will perform at 7 p.m. Doors open at 6 p.m. Admission is $5. No age limit.
Meet with Representative Mark Pody
Friday, October 21
You are invited to hear Representative Mark Pody provide a legislative update
FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1 p.m., at the Cannon County Senior Center.
Don't miss this opportunity to hear what Representative Pody and your state legislature are doing for you.
From Memphis to Vegas
Saturday, October 22 and Sunday, October 23
From Memphis to Vegas, a tribute to Elvis starring Tom Duggin will be at The Arts Center. Showtimes are 7:30 on Saturday and 2 p.m. matinee on Sunday.
Liberty Dance
Saturday, October 22 from 7 to 10 p.m.
Featuring Nightwind. Come enjoy the music and dance. Call 615-563-2792 or 615-464-8110 for more information.
Chili Lunch
Saturday, October 22
Woodbury Eastern Star 504 invites everyone to a chili/soup, grilled cheese and dessert lunch on October 22 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Masonic Lodge 774, 106 Meadowbrook, Woodbury. Price is $5 for adults and $2 for children age 6 and under. Other activities include an auction and a cake walk. For any questions call Nancy Milligan (615-765-5040) or Rox-anne Inyart (615-542-5485.)
Short Mountain Haunted Woods
At Short Mountain Distillery
Four nights of terror benefiting the Short Mountain Volunteer Fire Department and the Cannon County Rescue Squad. Admission to the woods is $10. Hours are 7 p.m. to midnight on October 21, 22, 28 & 29. On October 29th Short Mountain Distillery is hosting a FREE HALLOWEEN PARTY/ROCK CONCERT (featuring Burning Years) AND DANCE PARTY from 7 a.m. to midnight. Camp sites will be available. 8280 Short Mountain Road, Woodbury.
Bull-Whip Rodeo
Saturday, October 22
Bull-Whip Rodeo Co. will bring the bulls to town at the Pemberton Arena in Woodbury. Show time is at 7 pm. Tickets will cost
14 and up-$10--7 to 13-$5--6 and under free.
Auburn School Blood Drive
Wednesday, October 26
Auburn School will host a Red Cross Blood Drive in the gym on Wednesday, October 26th from 2 until 7 p.m. You can call Cindy Larson at 615-464-4342 for an appointment or go to to schedule an appointment on-line.
Cannon County Walking Horse Halloween Ride
Saturday October 29th; Ride from Campground at 11am; Meal from 4pm-6pm;
Trick or Treat at 6pm; Band/Dance 8pm with Thunder Hill of Shelbyville
$10 per person; camping for the weekend welcome.
For more information 615-653-7156
You are invited to the Woodbury Health and Rehab Center on Monday, October 31 at the bewitching hours of 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. for tricks and treats. Popcorn will be served! Your ghostly hosts: Residents of the Woodbury Health and Rehab. No dogs allowed inside the building.
Cannon Country Christmas
Friday, November 18 and Saturday, November 19
Enjoy A Cannon Merchants Country Christmas, Santa arrives on the square at 5 pm on Friday, enjoy wagon rides, sales, door prizes, goodies and more. Contact 615-563-2222 for further information
Free Medicare Counseling
SHIP/SMP representatives from the Upper Cumberland Area Agency on Aging & Disability are offering free Medicare counseling throughout the Upper Cumberland. Representatives are available to help counsel on any Medicare questions, abuse or concerns. They will also screen Medicare beneficiaries for Extra Help with Part D.
Please contact SHIP at 1-877-801-0044 or 931-432-4150 for an appointment.
SHIP (State Health Insurance Program) and SMP (Empowering Seniors to
Prevent Healthcare Fraud) cover all 14 Upper Cumberland counties.
23th Annual Art Studio Tour
November 19-20
With 39 artists located across 11 studio sites, the annual tour, sponsored by the Stones River Craft Association, has more artists lined up than ever before.
Tour hours are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday. For more information go to the website at for a map and more details.