You can submit items for The Blast by email at
Class of 1967
Looking for Lost Classmates
Friends and family of Woodbury Central High School Class of 1967 your help is needed to locate the following classmates for the Class Reunion on April 29.
Sally Sue Ellis
Barbara Kay Gunter
Patricia Sue Moore McGinnis
Bobby Joe Summars
Betty Ann Summers
Brenda Lou Todd
Nancy Cox Young
Please contact: Glenda Davenport at 615-904-5549 or or Judy Vanatta Varner at 770-630-6345 or
Democratic Party Meeting
March 30
The Cannon County Democratic Party will hold a Biennial Reorganization Convention to elect new leaders on March 30, 2017 at 6 p.m. The meeting will take place at the Stillhouse Restaurant.
Local Democrats will elect a new Chairperson, Vice Chairperson(s), Secretary, Treasurer and Executive Committee for a two-year term. All Democratic residents who are eligible voters of Cannon County are urged to attend to discuss the party's agenda and events for 2017-18. The Reorganization Convention is open to all Cannon County Democrats. Attendees should arrive early to complete credentially forms and be admitted to the convention prior to 6 p.m. when the meeting will begin. For more information contact Jordan Wilkins at 615-464-5440.
Solid Waste Department
announces new hours
Due to budget cuts imposed by the Cannon County Commission, the Solid Waste Department must reduce some services extended to the public. Starting Monday November 21st, the Cannon County Convenience Center will have new hours of operation.
Saturday 7A-5P
Only household waste will be accepted at the Convenience Center. There will no longer be any building materials accepted or cardboard pickup provided. Please make note of any changes.
Alcoholics Anonymous
If you drink alot that's your business. If you want to stop that's ours.
Meetings are on Sunday morning at 9 a.m. at Stones River Hospital Cafeteria. Sunday evening and Wednesday evening meetings are at 7:30 p.m. at the Senior Citizens Center.
Call 615-653-7914.
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery from hurts, habits and hang-ups meets every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church.
Flags for Sale
The American Legion Post 279 in Woodbury is selling flags and
accessories. The monies raised from the sale of these flags goes 100% back to our Community, our Youth and our Veterans, in Cannon County. This is an on-going project. We have available an assortment of all sizes and all types of flags - United States Flags, State Flags, Military Service Flags; and all sizes of flag poles.
The United States Flag 3'x 5' nylon is $25 (best price
anywhere). This is our most popular flag. The United States Flag 4"x 6" is .50 each or $5 a dozen for special occasions. The military services/branches flags are $30 each. For that special display. We can get you any State Flag, different size flags and different
size flag poles, (small house flag poles to large business flag poles.) WE ALSO HAVE INDOOR FLAG SETS. FLAGS FOR ALL OCASSIONS. If you need to make a special order, call and we have a catalogue available to make your selections.
CHARLIE HARRELL 615-542-1289, OR JIM STONE 615-563-6111, OR BRENT BUSH
615-563-2691, OR BRITT KNOX 615-904-5644, OR PENNY DANIELS 615-563-6729.
We will be glad to take your order, deliver your order, and all with a
smile and a big thank you, for Supporting the American Legion Post 279,
Music Night on Thursdays
The Pocahontas Community Center, located near Ivy Bluff, will be having a music night every Thursday at 5 p.m. We welcome all musicians who would like to come and play with our group, beginners or pros. If you like to sing our band will play your song and let you sing along! Spectators and dancers are welcome. For more info call Ray, 615-765-7835
Clearfork United Methodist Church
1721 Big Hill Road, Gassaway
Clearfork Methodist will begin its monthly dinners on Saturday, January 7. Suppers will be once a month on the first Saturday with hours 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. The menu features catfish or chicken tenders with choice of pinto, white or green beans, hush puppies, cabbage slaw or veggie salad, french fries, homemade desserts and drink. Carry out dinners are available by calling 615-563-1415.
Auburntown Blood Drive
Tuesday, March 28
Auburn Elementary School is hosting a blood drive in the gym on Tuesday, March 28th from 2:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. To schedule an appointment please contact Cindy Larson at 615-464-4342 or
There is also a need for high school students to volunteer for service hours.
Cannon County Audit Committee
Thursday, March 30
The meeting will be held at 10 a.m. in the Cannon County Courthouse.
Liberty Dance
Saturday, April 1 from 7 to 10 p.m.
Featuring One Eyed Dog. Come enjoy the music and dance. Call 615-563-2792 or 615-464-8110 for more information. Remember, the building used for the Libery Dance is also available for other events.
Cannon Runs for Children
Saturday, April 1
Cannon Runs for Children--A 5k run/walk sponsored by The Child Advocacy Center of Cannon County will be held at Dillon Park. Registration will start at 6:45 am, the run/walk will begin at 7:30 am. Register on line at or contact 615-867-9000.
Cannon County Senior Center
Music Night
Friday, April 7
Slick Nickel will perform. Doors open at 6 p.m. with $5 admission.
Liberty Dance
Saturday, April 8 from 7 to 10 p.m.
Featuring Slick Nickel. Come enjoy the music and dance. Call 615-563-2792 or 615-464-8110 for more information. Remember, the building used for the Libery Dance is also available for other events.
Preserve our Area's Rural Qualities
PARQ (Preserve our Area's Rural Qualities) has scheduled the quarterly meeting for Thursday April 13, 2017 at 7 p.m.. Location of the meeting is 3632 Locke Creek Road, Readyville TN 37149. (Please note that this is a change of date.) Please call any of the phone numbers or check our website ( as the date approaches. The election of officers and open positions on the Board of Directors will take place at this meeting. Come and hear what is going on in your community or inform us of one of your interests or concerns!
If you are would like to attend, please call to confirm time, place. 563-2200, 563-8088 or 409-6009.
More information about PARQ and upcoming meetings can be found at
Cannon County Republican Party
will meet on Mondays at 6PM on
April 3rd, May1st, June 5th
at the Cannon County Courthouse
with guest speaker MARSHA BLACKBURN
scheduled for June 23rd
will be discussed along with other topics of interest
Grow It Better
Sunday, April 9
Exciting presentations by local master gardners. Come join the fun and learn from the best April 9 from 1:30 to 5 p.m. Master Gardner presenters include: Richard Lee on pest control, companion plantings and general plant questions, Mark Murphy on composting and soil prep and Linda Linquest, spring flowers. All this for $20. Limited seating is available, so call now. To register: Call Nancy at 615-542-6154 or Doris at 615-663-7955. Location, Woodbury Seventh Day Adventist Church, 303 W. Colonial St. Proceeds to benefit the Woodbury SDA School.
Commodity Distribution
The Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency (UCHRA) will hold a commodities distribution for Cannon County, Thursday, April 13, 2017 from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. at the Cannon County Community Center located at the Fairgrounds.
Everyone must present a valid UCHRA commodity card in order to receive commodities. To sign up or reprint lost commodities cards contact your local UCHRA office.
Annual Princess Ball
Friday April 14--10th Annual Princess Ball presented by the Woodbury Lions Club will be held at the Senior Center beginning at 6 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. A father/father figure & daughter dance--enjoy Food-Music-Dance Lessons--DJ and Fun. $25 per couple--$10 per each additional girl. Contact
Korie Loftus at 615-542-6970 or Carolyn Motley at 615-563-2222 for further information.
4th Annual James Stembridge & Friends Open Jam
Saturday, April 15 at 11 a.m.
Come all musicans! All acoustic instruments. Bluegrass-country-gospel. Bring your instrument and chair and come join in for a day of music with fun for the whole family on the Square in Woodbury. Call 615-542-8035.