The Cannon Blast
Tuesday, May 16, 2017 10:44 am
Submit items to The Blast by email at *** Solid Waste Department announces new hours Due to budget cuts imposed by the Cannon County Commission, the Solid Waste Department must reduce some services extended to the public. Starting Monday November 21st, the Cannon County Convenience Center will have new hours of operation. Sunday-Closed Monday-7A-5P Tuesday-7A-5P Wednesday-Closed Thursday-9A-7P Friday-9A-7P Saturday 7A-5P Only household waste will be accepted at the Convenience Center. There will no longer be any building materials accepted or cardboard pickup provided. Please make note of any changes.
Alcoholics Anonymous If you drink alot that's your business. If you want to stop that's ours. Meetings are on Sunday morning at 9 a.m. at Stones River Hospital Cafeteria. Sunday evening and Wednesday evening meetings are at 7:30 p.m. at the Senior Citizens Center. Call 615-653-7914.
Celebrate Recovery Celebrate Recovery from hurts, habits and hang-ups meets every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at First Baptist Church.
Flags for Sale The American Legion Post 279 in Woodbury is selling flags and accessories. The monies raised from the sale of these flags goes 100% back to our Community, our Youth and our Veterans, in Cannon County. This is an on-going project. We have available an assortment of all sizes and all types of flags - United States Flags, State Flags, Military Service Flags; and all sizes of flag poles. The United States Flag 3'x 5' nylon is $25 (best price anywhere). This is our most popular flag. The United States Flag 4"x 6" is .50 each or $5 a dozen for special occasions. The military services/branches flags are $30 each. For that special display. We can get you any State Flag, different size flags and different size flag poles, (small house flag poles to large business flag poles.) WE ALSO HAVE INDOOR FLAG SETS. FLAGS FOR ALL OCASSIONS. If you need to make a special order, call and we have a catalogue available to make your selections. CONTACT A MEMBER OF AMERICAN LEGION POST 279 OR CALL CHARLIE HARRELL 615-542-1289, JIM STONE 615-563-6111, BRENT BUSH 615-563-2691, BRITT KNOX 615-904-5644, OR PENNY DANIELS 615-563-6729. We will be glad to take your order, deliver your order, and all with a smile and a big thank you, for Supporting the American Legion Post 279, AND OUR YOUTH, OUR COMMUNITY, AND OUR VETERANS, OF CANNON COUNTY.
Clearfork United Methodist Church 1721 Big Hill Road, Gassaway Clearfork Methodist will begin its monthly dinners on Saturday, January 7. Suppers will be once a month on the first Saturday with hours 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. The menu features catfish or chicken tenders with choice of pinto, white or green beans, hush puppies, cabbage slaw or veggie salad, french fries, homemade desserts and drink. Carry out dinners are available by calling 615-563-1415.
ARE YOU RAISING A RELATIVE CHILD OR NEED HOUSING ASSISTANCE? For more information on assistance and support, please contact Melissa Allison at the Upper Cumberland Developments District toll free at 1-877-275-8233. A support group meeting will be held for relatives that are caring for relative children. This meeting will be held at the Adams Memorial Library, 212 College Street, Woodbury, TN/Monday, April 24, 2017, 1:00-2:00 pm. For housing assistance while caring for minor child, contact Myra Walker at 931-432-4111.
CSBG Funding Available to Assist Community Service Block Grant (CSBG) Program has funding available to immediately assist applicants in need due to a temporary emergency situation. Applicants must be income-eligible and show their need for service based on guidelines for each program. You may qualify for a one-time payment if you are 60 years old or above, disabled, a family caregiver, or have a child under the age of six. You may qualify for a one-time payment toward rent, mortgage, electric, water, or food assistance if you have a household with one member working at least 29 hours or more a week. (931) 528-1127
Collective Expressions Art Exhibit and Sale Through May 27 Featuring works by the Nashville Art Guild in The Berger Gallery, Arts Center of Cannon County, The exhibit is open Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission is free.
Tennessee and Beyond Art Exhibit Through May 30 The lay of the land: Tennessee and beyond by Karen Schwartz & Amy Schwartz Potter Inspired by travels and home, landscapes and the details of Earth. Featured in the The Berger Gallery, Arts Center of Cannon County, The exhibit is open Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Admission is free.
*** GED Prep Class Adams Library Every Tuesday at 5:30 pm GED preparation class in the Jennings Community Room at Adams Memorial Library. Ongoing, self-paced and individualized, please attend any Tuesday you can.
THIRD THURSDAY CONCERTS START MAY 18 The City of Cookeville Department of Leisure Services' Third Thursday Concerts open May 18 with the Tennessee Backroads Band at 7:30 p.m. at the Dogwood Performance Pavilion in Dogwood Park, 30 E. Broad St., Cookeville. More concerts are planned for June 15, July 20 and Aug. 17. All are free. A different band is featured each month, covering a variety of music genres. For more information, call 931-528-1313.
Songwriter Night - Every Other Friday Red Barn Restaurant, Bradyville TN Beginning May 5, 2017, Nashville performing artist Cyndi Washburn will host a singer/songwriter night at the Red Barn Restaurant; located at 11174 Jim Cummings Hwy. in Bradyville, TN. Sign-ups are at 5:30 and the music is featured from 6pm to 8pm. All genres of music are welcome. This is a perfect opportunity for aspiring artists to share their original music in an intimate setting and family friendly atmosphere. All ages and skill levels are encouraged to attend. The songwriter night will be held every other Friday evening. Please email redbarnsongwriters@gmail.comwith questions or additional information.
*** Wedding Dresses of the Past Attention Ladies living in or has lived in our community of Gassaway and would like to have your wedding dress on display during Gassaway Homecoming this year. Please contact 615-563-2387
*** Little Shop of Horrors Opens April 28, Closing May 21 The Center for the Arts in Murfreesboro will present the bloody but loved Little Shop of Horrors on its main stage, beginning April 28 and closing May 21. Tickets can be purchased on the Center's website at; calling 615-904-2787; or stopping by the Center's box office at 110 W. College St. in downtown Murfreesboro. Prices are $15 for adults; $13 for seniors, students and military, $11 for children. Group tickets are available. Performances are at 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday evenings and 2 p.m. on Sunday afternoons.
May 16th, 7pm The next meeting of the Cnnon County Democratic Party will be Tuesday, May 16 at 6:00 p.m. at the Stillhouse Restaurant. During this meeting members will receive updates of what is happening locally and across the state. Plans and strategies will be discussed as to the direction the Cannon County Democratic Party shall take in order to make our votes count. For more information call Nancy Coomes, Chairperson, at 615-563-5665.
*** Woodbury Health and Rehab Block Party May 18, 2017 @ 6 PM to 8 PM The Gilley Bro's will be playing in front of the Rehab Center on High St. on a flat bed truck. Bring your lawn chair and come on down .
*** The Dewdrop Jamboree Returns Saturday May 20, 6PM • Patterson Park The American Musical Arts Group (nonprofit) is proud to present Dewdrop Jamboree XIV! This LIVE! Americana music showcase includes down-home bluegrass music, Southern country-rockin' covers, traditional country, time-honored favorites, inspirationals, contemporary hits, and bluesy country. Old and new favorites across multiple music genres are all backed up by The Fabulous Dewdrops stage band. Join us at 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, May 20, in the cozy Washington Theatre at Patterson Park in Murfreesboro, TN. All tickets are general admission, sold at the door, and cost only $10 for adults and $5 for children. For more information call 615-542-6427. Visit our Facebook page at: Dewdrop Jamboree - AMAGroup website:
Cannon County Good Ole Days May 19th and 20th At the Courthouse Square Woodbury, Tennessee Good Ole Days, sponsored by the Cannon County Senior Center, features a wide variety of vendors including food, crafts, retail and children's items, a 5K run, beauty pageants and live music. The festival opens at noon Friday, May 19 and runs from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. on Saturday, May 20. Vendor packets & sponsor forms are due Friday, May 12. For additional information contact Cannon County Senior Center at 615-563-5304
*** 7th Annual Sports Hall of Fame Tuesday, May 23 6pm In addition to honoring new Hall of Fame members, the newspaper will also present awards to Cannon County High School students who excelled in sports during this school year. Those awards include the Courier Male and Female Athletes of the Year, the Lion Award in addition to presentations for each sport. Tickets may be purchased at the Cannon Courier office or by calling 615-563-2512. No tickets will be sold at the door. However, you may order tickets via phone at 615-563-2512 or by email at This event is reserved for the first 250 who purchase tickets. Ticket deadline is noon Monday, May 22. The event begins at 6 p.m. with the meal catered by Prater's Barbecue.
Gilley Hill Cemetery May 27th, 2017 @ 10AM May 27th at 10AM will be the Annual Business Meeting for Gilley Hill Cemetery, Cemetery Community Building, 3729 Gilley Hill Rd, Bradyville TN (right off of Dickens Hill Road). Anyone having family or friends buried here are encouraged to attend this meeting. Donations toward the expenses of the cemetery upkeep would be appreciated. For more information you can contact: Terry Burks 615-849-6297; Wilma Spry 615-849-6577; Bettye Harris 615-796-1068
Monday Night Book Club at Adams Memorial Library. Monday, June 5, at 6:30 pm. Book: The Killer Angels by Michael Shaara. Pick up book at Circulation Desk.
Peter and the Starcatcher June 2 - 17 The Arts Center of Cannon County Peter and the Starcatcher is rated PG Peter and the Starcatcher provides a humorous and fantastical backstory for the beloved character of Peter Pan and his arch-nemesis Captain Hook. In this wickedly imaginative play, we meet a poor orphaned child on the high seas simply called Boy because, in the absence of a mother and a father, he was never given a name. His sad and lonely world is turned upside down when he meets Molly. The daughter of famous Starcatcher Lord Astor, our heroine is on a mission to save the world and protect a treasure trunk filled with magical star stuff from getting into the hands of evil and greedy pirate Black Stache. As they travel aboard the Neverland ship headed for a faraway land, Molly and Boy learn about love, friendship and forge an unbreakable bond. Performances run June 2, 3, 9, 10, 16 & 17 at 7:30pm June 4 & 11 at 2:00 pm
Fall Wagon Train Ride Sept. 21-22 & 23--The Fall Wagon Train Ride will be sponsored by The Middle Tn. Mule Skinners Assoc. Wagons will leave the fair grounds in Woodbury at 9 am each day ( over-night camping is allowed.) Contact Grady George Jr. at 615-849-6867 for further information.