THP cracks down on drivers
Tuesday, December 1, 2015 2:56 pm A total of 15 police officers participated in a Tennessee Highway Patrol sobriety checkpoint Friday, Nov. 20 in Woodbury. "Officers participated from THP, Woodbury Police Department, and Cannon County Sheriff's Office," said THP Sgt. William H. Prater. "512 cars passed throug the checkpoint and 9 were detained for further investigation," Prater said. The checkpoint was held on State Route 70S between the Tennessee Farmers Co-op and Davenport Service Station. The Cannon County checkpoint preceded the statewide, third annual "Interstate 40 Challenge: The Drive to Zero Fatalities" traffic safety initiative scheduled for the Thanksgiving holiday period. Tennessee Highway Patrol Colonel Tracy Trott was joined by Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security Commissioner Bill Gibbons, Tennessee Department of Transportation Commissioner John Schroer, Governor's Highway Safety Office Director Kendell Poole to announce the I-40 challenge. "The THP cares about you and your family and wants you to have the best holiday season possible. The THP is going to do all that we can to protect you. One of the most difficult jobs for our troopers is working fatal crashes, and then having to notify family of their loved ones passing. I do not want another Tennessee family to feel that heartbreak," Trott said.