This is OLD GLORY speaking...I am the AMERICAN FLAG who has traveled far.
I have earned the right to be heard. I speak from the wisdom of life.
Look at my face. Remember it. I have wrapped my arms around those who have died for me. I am proud of my country. I am forever under God with Liberty and Justice for ALL.
On June 14, 1777 the 2nd Continental Congress passed the resolution that a flag with 13 stripes and 13 stars will be made to represent the 13 colonies. The RED will symbolize hardiness and valor. The WHITE for purity and innocence. And, the BLUE for vigilance, perseverance and justice.
In 1912-1959 the flag had 48 stars and in 1959 and 1960 Alaska and Hawaii joined us to make Old Glory holding 50 stars.
A bit of trivia is that at one time they wanted to divide New York into two states to make it the 51st state and then add Puerto Rico was speculated to be the 52nd state ...but none of those were ever approved.
When I was brought up in school, we would pledge allegiance to our flag every morning. Before our sporting events, we sing The Star Spangled Banner
respectfully to Old Glory. Many of us fly the flag from our house eaves or on a flag pole. Folks paint the flag on used pallets. Others wear red, white and blue caps and clothing on national holidays. There's even little clip on flags that fit on car windows.
But unfortunately there those who desecrate HER. The Supreme Court has ruled that the destruction of the American Flag is illegal. President Trump says that : You burn the go to jail and may even lose citizenship. He will not stand for Tyranny. Too much valued history and lost lives are represented by Old Glory...too precious to EVER be destroyed.
I know if I ever saw someone burning, cutting or stomping on our would be the LAST time for them !! Along with that sentiment...I wish the Democrats would get along with the Republicans and join forces. To sincerely govern our Nation together and concentrate on issues that NEEDS ATTENTION and IMPROVEMENT before our whole country goes down the drain. Trump is trying...but he cannot do it alone. He has the right ideas...but he needs support not bickering little kids to monitor.
What needs improving you ask? OK, how about these for example: conditions for the elderly, for our Veterans, decent salary for our law enforcement and for our teaches with upgraded education programs, starving families, reasonable health care plans, more jobs and bring home our soldiers...!!
When it comes down to the fact that our Congressmen cannot even practice for a charity baseball game without the fear of getting shot...we are in trouble. They were sitting ducks in the dug out. C'MON FOLKS... Can you even watch the NEWS anymore...even with just ONE eye open? comes ISIS again running over somebody or a mass shooting in a mall or public event !
THIS IS BAD !! WE are the ones who have to stay strong and stop wasting OUR time judging Democrats, Republicans and Trump.
No wonder we set off FIREWORKS! This year, it will no doubt be out of total frustration and a much needed distraction ! So, let's take a break...
Uncle Festus buys his best firecrackers from the guy down the road...You know, the one with the eye patch and three missing fingers.
Last year at the Fourth of July celebration, Aunt Martha said her butt fell asleep sitting in her chair so long...Festus said that he thought he heard it snore a few times.
Cousin Clarence found out the hard way that when you mix dangerous chemicals like FIRE AND BEER strange things can happen.
Uncle Pete is the one who is the professional fireworks relative...he always seems to have a FLARE for it !
Cousin Pauley made a real mistake last year and combined smoke bombs and the black snakes. It set off a bit of a panic when no one could see and swore up and down we were being invaded by the Tennessee reptile population.
Sparklers are dangerous also...burned fingers and rough on the bare feet the next day.
Tying firecrackers to a passed-out person's ankle...then banging on a pan....really is quite entertaining...I never knew Uncle Clyde could dance so good.
One year, I blew up my neighbor's shooting a bottle rocket from across the street directly into it. I never knew I had such a great aim !
My favorite is the box full of little missiles that shoot off one right after the other and sounds like we are under attack. I always save that one for last when I feel it is time for everyone to go home. Works every time !!
Well Gang...I wish all of you a very HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY....enjoy your friends and family...and be careful of those fireworks ! Fly that OLD GLORY and take a few minutes to remember what this holiday is truly all about.
God Bless the USA !! Red, White and Blue Hugs to ALL of you !