The main problem is the majority of the people who respond to the polls don't vote in the elections which can make the changes.
It does no good if 90% of the people agree on something and only 15% of them actually show up on election day and vote.
I find it very amusing that 60% have not attended a meeting in the last 2 years & 32% have NEVER been to a meeting. While these surveys are in no way claiming to be "scientific" , the data is obviously skewed & can not be relied on. It is very easier for this # of people to respond to these surveys when they don't have all the information needed to make an educated decision. However, I think it is great that the Courier does this.
An interesting result was the 29% that indicated they were citizens of Tennessee first and the United States second.
Suggest a reading of Daniel Webster's Second Reply to Hayne, delivered on the floor of the Senate chamber Jan 26, 1830.
Probably best not to comment on the 90% opposed to gay marriage or the 92% favoring drug testing for welfare assistance.
But I would have indicated yes on welfare testing, if the drug testing would have been for anyone receiving government handouts--farm subsidies, grants, etc.
Half-empty number must reflect the feeling that Romney won't win the fall election.
The people will never go along with the closing or downsizing of their school. I went to three of the middle school meetings last spring and 90 to 95% of the folks were saying no. If the Board is going to do it someday they will just have to bite the bullet and vote to close one or comeup with a middle school of some design.
MMW I am glad to see you quoting and suggesting a read of a stout Republican / Conservative in Webster.
I would suggest another good read about the pitfalls of big government by Ronald Reagan to Congress in 1981.
"High taxes and excess spending growth created our present economic mess. More of the same will not cure the hardship, anxiety, and discouragement it has imposed on the American people.
Let us cut through the fog for a moment. The answer to a government that's too big is to stop feeding its growth. Government spending has been growing faster than the economy itself. The massive national debt which we accumulated is the result of the government's high spending diet. Well, it's time to change the diet, and to change it in the right way.”
Do you wonder why that 22 years old speech sounds so eerily familiar today? Possibly because of the Obamanomics idea of we have checks so therefore we have money?
Don’t worry about Romney. All the latest polls have him ahead or in a dead heat tie and he hasn’t even officially been nominated yet, so I would say things look pretty good for him to send Obama packing.
Shockingly, we both agree with the drug testing. I am all for it on any level of government funding, subsidies, support or employment. If you don’t pass it then you don’t get it. Seems pretty fair to me.
Redmolly you are correct. No one wants to give up sentiment and tradition to do what is not only right for the education of our children, but what is also right for the financial well-being of our county and its citizens. The school board will never make that choice because they want to get re-elected.
Corey, I agree, and that's why they must be held accountable to do what is in the best interest of both the education of the children (in this matter) but also the financial well-being of the county.