The Stones River Watershed Association (SRWA) will meet on April 8 to celebrate its 10th anniversary and to hear a state wildlife biologist describe the methods that will be used to dismantle remains of a low-head dam on the East Fork.
The meeting begins at 6 p.m. at Patterson Park in Murfreesboro. Birthday cake and snacks will be served before the presentation by Pandy English, Instream Flow Coordinator with the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency.
English is coordinating with local engineering firm, Griggs and Maloney, the City of Murfreesboro and other agencies to plan for removal of the remnants of the old Brown’s Mill dam and to stabilize the adjacent property, which belongs to the City. Removal of the rubble will improve water quality and fish habitat while making the river safer for anyone who paddles or fishes in the area. The program also will consider the history of the Brown’s Mill site and its importance to residents in the Lascassas community.
SRWA was founded in April of 2003 by a group of citizens concerned about the protection and improvement of the Stones River system. The group has worked for 10 years to create greater public awareness of the value of the river for water supply, recreation, and wildlife.
The organization hosts several events each year to introduce local residents to the beauty of the river, such as the popular Boat Day events held in Smyrna and Murfreesboro. The dates for this year’s events are Saturday, June 22 and 29, respectively.
For more information about SRWA and its events please visit