Cannon County SAVE is a not-for-profit organization geared to stopping domestic violence in our county.
All services are free to victims and include, but are not limited to, orders of protection, counseling, 24 hour crisis line, court advocacy, assistance with food, clothing, diapers, continued education, emergency shelter and transitional housing.
This past fiscal year, June 2011 through July 2012, SAVE provided services for 457 clients, advocated 130 criminal domestic violence court cases and 66 orders of protection cases.
SAVE receives no state or federal funding and operates on a shoe string budget. The organization must rely on private donations, fundraisers, local grants and United Way to continue its mission.
Cannon County does not have a Domestic Violence Shelter and must utilize Rutherford County when in need of shelter.
SAVE Fest, set for May 4th on the Woodbury Square, is an annual event geared to domestic violence awareness and raising funding for this agency.
There will be great entertainment, delicious food, vendors, auction items, activities for the children, Corn Hole, free throw contest, testimonials from survivors of domestic violence and much more.
So mark your calendars, bring your lawn chair and come on down and join the fun. You'll be glad you did.
SAVE is accepting vendors applications for SAVE Fest. If you are interested in vendor information, please contact Bob or Jean France at 615-464-5741 or Lisa Baird at 615-563-6690. Booth space is $100 for food vendors and $50 for non-food vendors.