7:00 PM
Call to order
Roll Call
Approve the minutes of the August 6, 2019 meeting
Public Hearing on the proposed annexation by "owner consent", being A portion of Parcel 021.00 of Cannon County Tax map 039 Group "A", owned by SLB Partnership located off of John Bragg Highway and which adjoins the Southern property line of Parcel 016.01 of Cannon County Tax Map 039 Group "A".
Consider adoption of Resolution 2019-05, a resolution adopting a Plan of Services for the annexation of property owned by SLB Partnership located off of John Bragg Highway: a portion of parcel 021.00 of Cannon County Tax map 039 Group "A", owned by SLB Partnership and which adjoins the southern property line of Parcel 016.01 of Cannon County Tax Map 039 Group "A".
Approve parade permit for the Veterans Day parade on Saturday, November 9, 2019.
Other business
Reports from Mayor, Committees, and Department Heads
The Town of Woodbury Board of Mayor and Aldermen met in regular session Tuesday, August 6, 2019 at 7:00 PM at Woodbury City Hall. Board members present were Mayor Andy Duggin, Lu Ann Curlee, Adam Melton, Harold Patrick, Lois Larimer, Tabitha Smith, and Faye Knox. None were absent. Mayor Duggin called the meeting to order. The opening prayer was led by Police Chief Lowell Womack, and the pledge was led by Alderman Adam Melton.
In the first order of business, a motion was made by Patrick, seconded by Melton, to approve the minutes of the July 2, 2019 meeting. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.
In the next order of business, a Public Hearing was held regarding proposed Ordinance No. 507, an ordinance to allow Ten (10) feet side yard setbacks within the R-2 High Density Residential zoning district (as recommended by the Woodbury Planning Commission). There were no comments, therefore Mayor Duggin declared the public hearing closed.
In the next order of business, a motion was made by Knox, seconded by Larimer, to adopt Ordinance NO. 507 on second and final reading. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.
In the next order of business, a Public Hearing was held regarding proposed Ordinance No. 508, an ordinance to include regulations for fences within the corporate limits of the Town of Woodbury, Tennessee. (As recommended by the Woodbury Planning Commission). There were no comments, therefore Mayor Duggin declared the public hearing closed.
In the next order of business, a motion was made by Melton, seconded by Knox, to adopt Ordinance No. 508 on second and final reading. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.
In the next order of business, a Public Hearing was held regarding proposed Ordinance No. 509, an ordinance to amend to original budget ordinance for the Town of Woodbury, Tennessee for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2018 and ending June 30, 2019. There were no comments, therefore Mayor Duggin declared the public hearing closed.
In the next order of business, a motion was made by Patrick, seconded by Melton, to adopt Ordinance No. 509 on second and final reading. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.
In the next order of business, the matter of Michael Reed, 208 Murfreesboro Road, keeping livestock on his property was discussed. City attorney Matt Cowan reported that according to Cannon County Assessor records, all but approximately 1/6 of this property lies within the city limits of Woodbury. The town's code prohibits the keeping of livestock inside the city limits. The only options are for the property owner (Joan Shirley) to request the property be de-annexed, or to simply enforce the town code. After some discussion, Mayor Duggin informed Mr. Reed he would be sending him a certified letter on August 8, 2019 to remove all livestock from the property within 30 days.
In the next order of business, a motion was made by Knox, seconded by Curlee, to adoption Resolution 2019-03, authorizing the Woodbury Police Department to participate in the Public Entity Partners "Safety Partners" matching grant program. The grant is a 50/50 match up to $1500 and will be used by the police department to purchase new body armor, if approved. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.
In the next order of business, a motion was made by Patrick, seconded by Knox, to adopt Resolution 2019-04, a resolution calling for a Public Hearing on the proposed annexation of territory in to the City of Woodbury by "Owner Consent" and approving a Plan of Services
(A portion of Parcel 021.00 of Cannon County Tax map 039 Group "A", owned by SLB Partnership located off of John Bragg Highway and which adjoins the Southern property line of Parcel 016.01 of Cannon County Tax Map 039 Group "A". Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion carried.
In the next order of business, Mayor Duggin presented the board with a preliminary drawing for a new Fire Station. He will present more information at a later date.
There being no further business, a motion was made by Curlee, seconded by Patrick, to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 7:40 PM.