Woodbury Weight Watchers will begin a new 10 week session on Thursday, September 23rd and run through December 2nd. The community based program requires at least 14 members to sign up before a new session can start. Weight Watchers in Woodbury has been running continuously for over two years.
Money is due the previous week so plan to attend the September 16th meeting as a guest and signup for the new session at the same time. The cost to join is $120 new members, $110 returning members, and $100 for returning Life Members. Meetings are free for Life Members who have maintained within 2 lbs. above goal. Weigh-ins start by 4:45 p.m., followed at 5 p.m. by a 30 minute meeting.
The Weight Watchers program teaches ways to shop, cook, and eat healthy foods at home, in restaurants and even at church suppers -- while you lose weight in a friendly, supportive atmosphere. Meet at U.T. Extension Office on Lehman Street; park and enter from the back. For more information contact Weight Watchers member, Anna Bertram at 765-5357.