Southern Region Extension Forestry (SREF) will be conducting a series of webinars aptly named "Woodland Stewards" for forest landowners and other interested parties on Tuesdays during February at 1:00 pm ET or 12:00 Noon CT that will last for an hour each day. The subjects are described thoroughly in the attached flyers (pdf, doc, ppt ---- all the same info) and are outlined below:
Tuesday, Feb. 2 --- Woodland Management by Objectives: Taking Stock & Making Plans
Tuesday, Feb. 9 --- The Digital Toolbox for the Woodland Owner: There's an App for that!
Tuesday, Feb. 16 --- Safety Tips for Working in Your Woods
Tuesday, Feb,23 --- Getting Started Managing Your Land
Each webinar is available individually and live online and is free of charge. Participants can attend one, two, three, or all four webinars if they wish, but they must pre-register for each one to get the ZOOM webinar address. If they are not interested in a certain webinar(s), they do not need to register for that session, i.e., they can choose the webinar(s) they wish to attend.
Below are web addresses for online pdf info about the webinar program (clickable online --- same as file attached which is not clickable) and the web address for each of the individual webinars for more information and where participants may register for that specific webinar.
website link:
Links to each webinar can be found in the pdf: